My dearest vegetables,
Happy 1 year anniversary!
I can definitely say, it's been great.
But, we have to talk.
(Originally written April 18th, 2014)
When I started vegetarianism, it went very well. I kept track of my foods to make sure I was getting the right nutrients and never had a problem. I really didn't miss meat. It's surprising how easy it is to find meat free foods. My relationship with vegetarianism hasn't always been easy, though.
To be honest, I got tons of comments that I didn't want. Everyone around me suddenly felt it was fine for them to ask me how much protein I eat in a day and examine all my habits. I couldn't get through a day, or even a meal, without something coming up about meat. Can you eat this? Can you eat that? YES! I can. I just choose not to. This thing I'm doing here is completely by choice. I never ever brought up vegetarianism, but people around me felt the need to always make it publicly known.
Ok. So. We're eating pizza with a group. I feel like "cheese, please" is a lot easier than "I don't eat meat" and the following explanation; "no thank you" works just fine, too.
But over the last year, I've realized that I don't actually remember my reason for stopping eating meat. I care about animals, but these animals are raised and produced just to be eaten. Overall, I do not support large scale farming and mass businesses. That's the reason I've transitioned into. So, it's time for some changes.
I am no longer vegetarian; now Conscious Consumer.
Meat: I'm only going to eat you to have new experiences, or when refusing is inconvenient or rude. Don't worry, I won't be buying you any time soon.
Fish: Sorry, I'm coming for you. Your industries are a little different to me.
We can still be friends, right?
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